Mommy, My Head Hurts
A Doctors's Guide to Your Child's Headache
Sarah Cheyette, MD
Child Neurologist, San Mateo, CA
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"Wonderfully clear and complete...
this book should help bring rapid relief to your child..."
--Dr. Donald E. Cook, President of AAP

 [ ISBN:#1-55704-471-6 ]
     "Dr. Cheyette has given parents a wonderfully clear, complete, current text on headaches and their treatments. This will give all parents the chance to go through the same routine that their child's doctor uses in coming to a diagnosis and course of therapy for their child.

This book gives clear insight on when parents will need to consult with their child's physician and will allow them to ask more insightful questions of their doctor.

I sincerely recommend this book by
Dr. Cheyette to all parents of children with headaches (as she points out -- almost all parents) and to their physicians as well. "

--Dr. Donald E. Cook, President,
American Academy of Pediatrics

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